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Stunning animal artwork unveiled in Wigston town centre

Residents in Wigston can now marvel at a stunning new piece of artwork commissioned by the council and painted on the side of the RSPCA Woodside charity shop in the main shopping high street.

The project is part of the council’s public realm work in Wigston to improve the town centre and attract even more visitors to the busy shopping centre, and this piece was developed in partnership with the RSPCA Woodside and Menphy’s who between themselves decided on the final theme. It’s been done by award- winning company Graffwerk, and was funded by Government through the council’s United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funding.

Leicester Time: Stunning animal artwork unveiled in Wigston town centre
Picture: RSPCA

Neil Everall, Head of Fundraising and Marketing for the branch said: “The new artwork is amazing, it’s bright and colourful and certainly makes an fantastic impression and so much better than the plain white graffiti filled wall that was there before.

“It is a real benefit to Wigston town centre and we hope that it will attract more visitors to that end of the high street which in turn will help the charity shops like the RSPCA shop which helps to support animals in need in the Leicestershire, Rutland and Peterborough area covered by our branch.” 

“It’s also very poignant that this has happened in our 200th year – where the RSPCA has been rescuing, rehabilitating animals in need. “ 

“Visitors to our shop will be able to find some amazing items tucked away on the rails and shelves and this is a next generation charity shop where we put the environment and sustainability at the heart of what we do.” 

All the money raised from this shop will go towards helping care for all the animals at the branch’s rehoming centre at Woodside which is currently caring for cats and dogs that have been abandoned, abused or neglected throughout our region.” 

Neil added: “while you are visiting the area to see the artwork We’re happy to receive donations, particularly clothing and items of homeware and we have volunteering opportunities for anyone who would like to give some time or get some retail work experience in roles such as cashier, stock sorters, merchandisers and social media guru.” 

If you would like to help volunteer please visit