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Leicester mum raising funds for modern slavery survivors

A Leicester mum of three who devotes her spare time to campaigning for social justice after witnessing the Grenfell Tower fire whilst living nearby, is now turning her hand to fundraising for the modern slavery charity she works for.

Deepa Mistry of Evington Village, is Chief Finance Officer at Causeway, an anti-slavery charity that supports survivors of human trafficking, forced labour, and exploitation.

Picture: Causeway

She is preparing to take on the Sheffield 10k in the hope of raising funds for services that support people who have experienced modern slavery abuses such as forced sex work, domestic servitude, and criminal exploitation.

“Causeway does really important work in helping people recover from exploitation,” she said. “Some people who come to our safehouses have been forced to work for free, sometimes for years, under threat of extreme violence, or other forms of coercion or manipulation. They are often traumatised and disorientated, and we help them regain their confidence and begin their lives again.”

There are an estimated 100,000 people in the UK right now being exploited, often in plain sight of the general public.  Many will be trapped in debt-bondage or under the control of criminal gangs who threaten them or their families if they don’t comply. 

“This is the 21st century form of slavery and it’s right in front of our eyes,” said Deepa. “The work we do to help those caught in this cycle is crucial to ending any form of slavery. Once you become aware of it, you cannot ignore what you see. I am incredibly proud of the support we provide to those in need, but also saddened that there are always new ways to exploit humans.”

Deepa is also passionate about fighting to make building regulations and safety more robust after witnessing the Grenfell Tower fire in London that killed 72 people.  Deepa, who was studying in London at the time, lived in a similar tower block nearby, which was also covered by flammable cladding. 

“My social justice campaigning comes from the drive to help those that can’t help themselves,” she said.  “Much of the work I do stems through personal experiences and shapes how hard I fight for change. I was a resident affected by building and fire safety issues that were uncovered after the tragic fire at Grenfell tower in 2017. I could see it from my home, and I don’t want another person to be vulnerable or lose their life due to poor construction. I dedicate any free time to campaigning for better protection for UK and international residents, and better building standards from the global construction industry.”

You can support Deepa’s fundraising efforts for Causeway here: