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Leicester woman fined in court over fly tipping offence

A Leicester woman has been ordered to pay a total of £352 by Leicester Magistrates Court after a fly-tip was discovered in Ratby.

Taniescha Norton of Marshall Street, Leicester pleaded guilty at Leicester Magistrates Court on Wednesday 8 January to an offence of fly-tipping that occurred at Burroughs Road, Ratby in November 2023.

Picture credit: Pukaar News

The court heard that a Clean Neighbourhood Officer attended the location and found a variety of waste which included four black bags, nappies, broken drawer units and general household waste. Evidence was found within the fly tip which led our officers to investigate Norton.

In court Norton stated that she had received a ‘cold call’ from someone with a van asking to collect waste, she paid £40, and the waste was taken away. Norton did not ask for a waste carriers licence, or checked to see if the business was registered or to get a receipt from the business who were taking the waste away. This waste was subsequently fly tipped on Burroughs Road, Ratby; and the person(s) responsible for the deposit of the waste have not been identified.

Norton was fined £180, with a victim surcharge of £72 and ordered to pay £100 contribution towards our costs, making a total of £352.

Picture credit: Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council

Speaking after the case, Cllr Lynda Hodgkins, Executive Member for Parks, Open Spaces and Neighbourhood Services, said: “It is a shame to see that fly-tipping continues to be a problem, but successful prosecutions like this will hopefully make people think twice before illegally dumping their waste in future.

“This is reminder that you must get a receipt and waste transfer note, ask for a waste carriers licence and get a copy of it and ensure that you know where your waste is going, use reputable carriers or contact the council as we offer a range of different collection services for all types of waste. You have a responsibility for your waste, and you can be fined if you do not dispose of it correctly.”

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