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Camera plan to stop parents ignoring parking restrictions at Leicester school

Views are sought on cameras being put on streets close to a school in Leicester to stop parents ignoring travel rules and flouting restrictions.

Leicester City Council wants to hear people’s views on proposals to use camera enforcement to penalise drivers who flout restrictions on Northfold Road and Eastcourt Road which border Overdale infant and junior schools, in Knighton.

Picture: Leicester City Council

Restrictions on the two school streets have been in place since an initial trial in February 2022 and prohibit access to motor vehicles during school run times – 8-9am and 2.30-4pm Monday to Friday – except for permit holders.

The measures were introduced at the request of local residents and the wider school community in an effort to improve air quality, road safety and traffic congestion at the beginning and end of the school day.

Despite being clearly signed, and legally backed by traffic regulation order, drivers continue to contravene the restrictions on a regular basis.

Cllr Geoff Whittle, assistant city mayor for transport and environment said: “Camera enforcement can be a very effective way of deterring motorists from committing traffic offences that are dangerous or obstructive for other road users.

“That’s why we’re considering introducing these measures to help enforce restrictions on two school streets close to Overdale infant and junior schools.

“The restrictions here were introduced following feedback from local residents and families at the schools and it’s important that we do whatever we can to discourage people from ignoring them.

“We’re keen to hear people’s feedback on plans to introduce camera enforcement on these two streets during busy school run times and I would encourage people to take part in the consultation.”

Under the Traffic Management Act 2004, councils can apply to the Government to take on the responsibility for traffic offences, by applying for a designated authority status. This gives councils powers to enforce areas such as box junctions, one-way streets, no-entry signs or other prohibited traffic movements, along with bus lanes, cycles lanes and pedestrian zones for example.

The public consultation will run until Sunday 15 September. To give your view, visit