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Reflecting on the 10th Anniversary of Richard III’s Reinterment

Key members of the University of Leicester team, who played a crucial role in excavating and identifying the remains of Richard III, have shared their reflections as we mark the 10th anniversary of his reinterment.

On 22 March 2015, Richard III was officially released from the University of Leicester’s custody, where his remains had been held since their discovery in the Greyfriars district of Leicester in August 2012. His remains began their journey to Leicester Cathedral following a brief public ceremony at the University, attended by members of the Richard III Society, descendants of King Richard’s sister Anne, the University Project Team, the Chaplaincy, and senior University staff.

Picture credit: University of Leicester

This marked the first time the public could view the mortal remains of King Richard III, though they were sealed within his coffin.

The members of the Greyfriars project team, responsible for unearthing and identifying Richard III’s remains, were also involved in the reinterment, attending the Service of Reinterment on 26 March 2015. Among them were Dr Jo Appleby, Mathew Morris, and Professor Turi King.

Dr Jo Appleby, an osteologist from the School of Archaeology and Ancient History and a key member of the Greyfriars project, said: “It was a beautiful service! It was a chance to experience the newly renovated cathedral and enjoy the stunning music. The project gave us a unique opportunity to learn more about an important historical figure. It showcased the power of collaboration, bringing together experts from diverse fields—an approach that truly reflects what archaeology is all about. I believe the public really connected with that.”

Mathew Morris, the Fieldwork Director for the Greyfriars dig from University of Leicester Archaeological Services, shared: “It was exhausting, exhilarating, and truly felt like history in the making. For someone who wasn’t born and raised in Leicester, it was an immense source of pride to be part of my adopted city’s story. Whether or not Richard III’s rediscovery and reinterment have radically changed our understanding of him, we’re still talking about him today, sparking interest in history, science, and archaeology. And that’s a good thing.”

Professor Turi King, who led the genetic analysis at the University of Leicester and now works at the University of Bath, reflected: “What I love about the reinterment is that it was the culmination of all the hard work throughout the project. It involved so many people, each bringing their expertise to create a tremendous success. It was incredibly hard work, and no one person could have done it alone. The beauty of it all was that the whole effort was greater than the sum of its parts.”

Also present at the reinterment service was Emeritus Professor Gordon Campbell from the School of English, who delivered the eulogy and contributed to the liturgy. Professor Campbell said: “The Cathedral has always welcomed worshippers and visitors, but Richard’s presence has brought pilgrims, particularly those from Richard III organisations. For the city, it has attracted new visitors, boosting the economy through their spending. For the University, the occasion highlighted the excellent work of our archaeologists and scientists.”

A video of the full ceremony is available at:

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