A LEICESTER campaign, which was set up to remember those who have been affected by Covid-19, is proud to have the support of John Lewis this year, as it launches its 2022 fundraising effort.
The ‘Always in Our Thoughts’ (AIOT) campaign was set up by Leicester publishing and events company Pukaar Group, to recognise and remember all the people in the UK and around the world who have been affected by the Covid 19 pandemic, including those who have sadly passed away.

This March 23, will mark two years since lockdown was announced across the UK by prime-minister Boris Johnson.
‘Always in Our Thoughts’ raises money for two specially chosen causes, which played a prominent role during the pandemic; the COPS charity (Care of Police Survivors), and the Leicestershire Children’s Hospital Appeal.
Hundreds of badges were sold last year, raising over £5,000 for the two causes.
This week, ‘Always in Our Thoughts’ representatives will be in the upstairs cafe at John Lewis & Partners, Leicester, selling their specially produced ‘yellow flower’ badges.
“We are are pleased to offer our support to the ‘Always In Our Thoughts’ campaign and the charitable work being carried out within our local community,” said Rachel Standley, Community Liaison Coordinator for John Lewis & Partners Leicester.
As well as serving as a mark of remembrance, the badges are also designed to be worn as a mark of respect for those that are continuing to work to protect others during the pandemic.
Speaking at today’s launch, Yakub Ismail, Leicestershire Police Inspector for East Leicester, said that the Force were proud to be associated with ‘Always in Our Thoughts’.
“During he pandemic it wasn’t just professionals taking care of one another, we saw communities across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland coming together to take care of one another, and this badge is just a nice way of remembering and recognising those who’ve lost their lives, and have given so much during that pandemic to take care of one another,” he said.
“We at Leicestershire Police are really proud to be associated with the charity.”

Lisa Davis, from Leicester Hospitals Charity said that she was grateful for the support of AIOT, which is helping to raise awareness of the new children’s hospital, currently being built in the city.
“The Always in Our Thoughts campaign is a brilliant idea, it’s very generous, very kind and caring, and I think it epitomises Pukaar Group and how supportive they’ve been to what we’re doing at Leicester’s Hospitals,” she told the Leicester Times.
Romail Gulzar, founder of Pukaar Group said he has been encouraged by the support that the campaign has had from businesses around the city this year.
“It’s something which is very close to my heart, and to have this support makes me quite emotional,” he said.

To support the campaign, you can purchase a badge from various restaurants around Leicester including Tandem Indian Restaurant, whose staff will be supporting the cause throughout March.
They are prices at £1, although you can offer more if you wish.
Alternatively, you can get your badge directly from Pukaar Group by emailing the number of badges you want, and your full name, address, and phone number to info@alwaysinourthoughts.com
Badges can also be bought from the upstairs cafe at Leicester’s John Lewis store in the Highcross, until Sunday, March 6.
To find out more about the campaign, visit: https://alwaysinourthoughts.com/the-campaign/