A kitten has been found in the grounds of a church in Leicester, and the RSPCA is now appealing to the public for their help amid concern they it was deliberately dumped.
The kitten was found on April 16 by a church volunteer at St John the Baptist Church on Clarendon Park Road hiding in some undergrowth.

The volunteer said they were working on the grounds near to the gates when she heard the sound of a cat meowing and then the kitten appeared and approached her.
The kitten was ravenous and desperate for a fuss – and a backpack type cat carrier with urine inside was found nearby and was unzipped.
The kind-hearted volunteer took the kitten to a nearby vet and the RSPCA was called to investigate.
The kitten is just seven months old and is a male tabby cat. He was named by his finder as Sinjin which is another name for St John the Baptist.
Sinjin has been checked over by a vet and is now in the care of the RSPCA.
RSPCA Inspector Herchran Boal said: “Sinjin is one of the most adorable, friendliest cats I have ever met – he’s just extremely sweet.
“We are so grateful to the church volunteer for all their help in keeping him safe and taking him to a vet – it’s a great example of how people can help us to help animals.
“It was so lucky they were working in the area at the time as Sinjin was obviously scared and hiding.
“The kitten was microchipped and I have been following up a number of leads as it appears he was recently rehomed.
“I am keen to speak to anyone who may know who might have recently rehomed this kitten or if they recognise the cat carrier he was left in as it is very distinctive.
Anyone who has information is asked to call the RSPCA’s appeals line on 0300 123 8018 quoting incident – 1250399.
“We understand the financial difficulties some people are experiencing right now, however abandoning your pet is never the answer. There is help and support available and – as we all strive to create a better world for every animal – we would urge people to contact their vets, local rescues and animal welfare charities.”
Sinjin will be available for rehoming soon – and to find out more you can contact RSPCA Woodside Animal Centre – who also have a large number of other cats looking for new homes.