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Call to action by Leicester charity which supports hundreds of vulnerable women a year

A charity which supports some of the most marginalised women and young people in Leicester and the wider county is inviting the business community to support its life-changing work.

The New Futures Project was set up over 20 years ago to support women involved in sex work.

However, it has gone on to evolve into a comprehensive welfare and counselling service for women and young people dealing with sexual abuse or exploitation, domestic violence, trafficking, poverty and debt, substance use or mental ill-health.

Picture:  Natalie Wallinger

Over the course of a year, the charity supports 700 women and young people by offering practical, emotional and therapeutic support.

It is writing to hundreds of companies throughout March, in the hope that they’ll help fund this important work.

“Our primary message is that we’re busy – constantly so – and that, with their support, we could do so much more,” said a spokesman.

“Realistically, money is the most direct way of supporting us. However, those in particular areas of business may be able to do their bit in their own way, for example a clothing or footwear manufacturers or retailers might consider donating surplus, seconds or otherwise unwanted stock to our clothing bank. During the colder months, for example, we desperately need warm clothing, hats and gloves. Donations of sleeping bags and blankets would also be very welcome.

“Meanwhile, we believe accountancy, financial services or law firms might wish to help us out in a direct way too, by taking on basic business or advisory functions currently carried out by our staff or volunteers.”

Another way that companies can help is by sponsoring one of the charity’s counselling rooms – each of which is named in memory of a woman they have supported, sometimes over a number of years, but lost in tragic circumstances.

“If we could find seven companies, or even individuals, to sponsor a room for, say, £5,000 a year that would give us £35,000 – paying for 20 women to have a counselling session every week for a year,” added the spokesman.

Employers will be able to find out more at an open day at the project, which is based in London Road, Leicester, on a date still to be decided.

Those who come along will be able to see how we work and discuss in detail how they could get involved.

Director, Della Kagure-Brown, said: “Over the 24 years I have managed the New Futures Project I have worked with probably 12,000 women.

Picture: Della Kagure-Brown by Natalie Wallinger

“That’s 12,000 women who have been raped, abused and exploited. As a result of the trauma they’ve gone through many of the 12,000 have struggled with feeling suicidal.

“At the project I’ve supported women who have self-harmed and self-medicated through drug and alcohol use. Women who have experienced, poverty, homelessness and despair. Women who have died.

“All of the 12,000 have been someone’s daughter, sister, mother or friend.

“This is our community. This is Leicester. We live and work here. You will have a connection to some of the women the project has helped over the past 24 years and will continue to help in the years ahead.

“Please help us to help them. Be a part of the change that needs to happen. Come and visit us. See what we do. Make a difference. Be a part of our story.”

Visit: to find out more.