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Council’s ‘highest honour’ to be granted to outstanding Lutterworth rower

Olympian Lauren Henry is set to be granted the Freedom of the Harborough District at a ceremony next year.

The sportswoman, from Lutterworth, who won a gold medal for Team GB in the women’s quadruple sculls rowing event at Paris in 2024, will receive the honour.

At an extraordinary meeting of Harborough District Council on Monday 9 December, councillors unanimously agreed that the authority would confer the title of honorary freewoman to the rower.

Lauren Henry, gold-medal-winning Olympian rower

Picture credit: British Rowing

The Freedom of the District is the highest honour the council can bestow and is given to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievement and have a strong association with the Harborough district.

Lauren will be invited to a special presentation at Annual Council in May 2025.

The 22-year-old of Leicester Rowing Club said: “It is a huge honour and massive privilege to be awarded Freedom of the District. I am very grateful to recognised in this way and am thankful to everyone for their support.”

Council Leader Cllr Phil Knowles had previously put forward a motion to Council to grant the successful athlete Freedom of the District to recognise her sporting accomplishment.

Cllr Phil Knowles said: “It’s is a privilege for me to be able to put this motion forward and I’m delighted to have had unanimous support from across the Council Chamber. Lauren is a wonderful ambassador for our district and our country. This is the highest honour that Harborough district can bestow, and it is richly deserved.”

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