With the Olympics underway, a local care home decided to kick off the summer of sport with their own version of the sporting tournament.
Residents and team members at Care UK’s Lonsdale Mews, on Farley Way, brought Paris to Quorn and enjoyed their own version of the Games.

The event came as Lonsdale Mews joined The Big Care UK Sports Day, which saw over 130 Care UK homes across the UK host sports days for the local community and showcase what life in a care home is really like.
Kickstarting the day, children from the Quorn AMC School of Dance performed at the opening ceremony.
Residents, their families and team members soaked up the sporting atmosphere and those daring to compete also had the chance to win gold medals in games including egg-and-spoon races, tug of war, netball, discus, shot put, torch relay and archery.
Topping the day off, everyone enjoyed a French and English themed afternoon tea, including pastries, Victoria sponge, scones and quiche, prepared by the home’s talented head chef. The home was adorned with symbolic coloured rings and flags from competing nations, truly bringing Paris to the region.

Toby Sturgess, Home Manager at Lonsdale Mews care home, said: “We were delighted to bring Paris to Quorn to join our sporting celebrations.
“At Lonsdale Mews, we encourage residents to live fulfilling lives through regular activities that improve their physical and mental wellbeing, which is why this was a fantastic opportunity for a little healthy competition and to celebrate this year’s summer of sport.
”The day brought a lot of laughter and enjoyment for all involved – congratulations to all of our gold medalists!”