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Man from Leicestershire who lost his sight in an accident as a teenager gears up for the London Marathon

A Leicestershire man, who lost his sight in an accident as a teenager is taking on the London Marathon to raise funds for a sight loss charity.

Chris Burgin is running the TCS London Marathon on April 21, in aid of the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).

Picture: Chris Burgin

He has been inspired to run for the charity following a shooting accident when he was 14, which caused him to be blind in one eye.

He will be running to support the charity’s mission in creating an inclusive world for people with sight loss and to help raise awareness of the challenges blind and partially sighted people face every day.

Chris, Director of Housing at a local council, was close to losing his sight in both eyes at the time of the accident. But after spending weeks in the hospital, surgeons managed to save the sight in his right eye but not his left.

“Going through that experience as a teenager meant I had to adjust to being blind in one eye. I loved playing sports, but the accident causes me to lose confidence and I had to relearn depth perception, which had a big impact on the level I could play sport because playing with a reduction in depth perception felt impossible.

“Looking back, if I had known about RNIB and its services it could’ve made a big difference in my teenage years. I hope the money raised will help change that for others who are currently going through their sight loss journey.”

  Chris used to be a regular runner, but this will be his first marathon. To get his body used to the long distances, he’s been working his way up with the likes of the NHS Couch to 5k and following a plan that has taken him through to 10k, half marathon, and then hopefully the big London Marathon which is 42.1k.

Chris adds: “I’m looking forward to the big day and it will be nice to give back and raise awareness about a cause close to my heart. I wear my RNIB T Shirt with pride when I am out and about.”

Aiming to raise £2,000, Chris has surpassed his fundraising target through cake sales at work and hosting a curry night fund raiser including a raffle at his local Indian restaurant. He said over sixty people, friends and family, supported him on the night and many prizes were won including a flight around Leicestershire.

Chris Perrin, RNIB’s Head of Supporter Led Fundraising, said: “Running a marathon is undoubtedly a huge challenge for anyone so we are very grateful to have Chris join Team RNIB this year for the TCS London Marathon. The funds raised will help the charity support the estimated two million people living with sight loss in the UK.”

To sponsor Chris and support RNIB, please donate at: