A Leicestershire man has constructed a mega-watt Christmas display, which has been turning heads and raising festive funds for charity.
When Jonny Doda switched on his Christmas lights on Saturday night (December 3) residents from across the village gathered for the annual spectacle, which takes place on Whitwick’s Hermitage Road.
Although Mr Doda lives at number 89, his neighbours at 87, 85 and 91 are happy for him to spread his lights across their properties, creating an eye-watering festive display, which is hard to miss!

The tradition started in 2015, and has grown year-upon year he explained.
“I started with a small display on 89 the first year, then stepped it up the following year. Then I included 87 within the display, the following year 85 and this year we have 91 included in the display.
“As a child I remember very fondly two pairs of houses that put on big light displays, and I remember loving going for a walk with my Dad in the evenings going to see them. This definitely sparked an interest in Christmas lighting,” he added.
“There was just something magical about these pretty lights sparkling against the darkness that brought me and others joy and as I got older, I wanted to share the enjoyment that I got and still get, with others.”

Many Whitwick villagers attended the weekend’s switch on, and have sent messages of thanks to Jonny for “taking the time to make people’s lives a little brighter.”
He is also raising funds for Leicester Hospitals Charity as a result of his super festive efforts, which take around a month to erect.
“People seem to love the lights. They travel from local villages to have a look. I heard that someone even had a taxi redirected so they could come past the lights!”
To donate to the Christmas cause, visit: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/christmasateightynine