A six-metre memorial has been installed in a Leicestershire village to mark the spot where dozens died as a result of a tragic mining disaster…
People who live and work in the Stocking Farm area of Leicester are once again being asked for their input into ambitious regeneration plans for…
Colin Pitchfork, the double child killer and rapist who was recalled to prison weeks after approaching women, is to be considered for release again this…
Over 500 runners took part in Leicester’s Big 10k yesterday, at the city’s Abbey Park. The event, held yesterday (Sunday, April 24), was won by…
A local sports presenter says there’s “no place like Leicester” after finishing an epic running challenge, which saw him run five marathons, on five continents…
A new ‘Home Planet’ gallery has launched today at Leicester’s National Space Centre, 62 years after the first Earth Day. The gallery, which opened on…
A motorist who killed a passenger and seriously injured another in a collision where his speed exceeded 100mph in a residential area has been jailed…
A unique ethical and sustainable fashion project has launched in Leicester, which will support trainee garment workers in the city, giving them the tools to…