A BIRSTALL teenager has been selected as the only Guide to represent Girlguiding Leicestershire, at next year’s ‘World Scout Jamboree’.
Florence Joyce, 13, is due to travel to SaeManGeum, in South Korea next year, for the World Scout Jamboree.
She is one of just nine Girl Guides to be selected from the Midlands area, and the only one to be chosen from Leicestershire.
However, she needs to raise £3,800 to cover the cost of the trip, something she is planning to do over the next eighteen months through various fundraising events and support from the community.

“I am planning many fundraising events locally over the next 18 months which I hope the community will get behind supporting me with,” she said.
“My first event is a glass fusion workshop and I am planning cake sales and many other events.”
The World Scout Jamboree is held every four years. It will be attended by over 30,000 scouts from across the world next summer.
As well as the traditional elements of a Scout and Guide jamboree, the event gives participants the opportunity to socialise with scouts from around the world, gaining an understanding of diverse global cultures and take part in social action and sustainability projects.
“The event will equip me with many skills such as independent world travel, communication skills, camp building and planning and running workshops,” said Florence.
“This exciting adventure will cost approximately £3,800, which will be used to cover travel to and around Korea, accommodation, food, insurance, visas, as well as briefings, essential kit and administration for the trip.”
Florence’s Mum Lucy told the Leicester Times that her daughter is very excited by the “once in a lifetime opportunity” ahead of her.
“She is reading and watching videos all about Korean culture and food, and is looking forward to the trip. But first… loads of fundraising!” she said.
“We have already had amazing support from the local community here in Birstall. Local businesses are getting behind her, Pukka Pies have also donated some raffle prizes for which we are very grateful,” she added.
Florence’s first fundraising event, a Glass Fusion Workshop, is set to take place on March 6, at Birstall Guide Hall, on Johnson Road.
People will be able to make their own glass sun-catcher at a cost of £12.
A raffle, cakes and refreshments will also be available on the day.
For more information, or to support Florence with her fundraising, email: flojowsj@gmail.com
Alternatively, visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/florences-world-scout-jamboree-trip
By Louise Steel