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Leicestershire Coffee and Cake Lovers Needed to Host a Coronation Coffee Morning in May

A Leicestershire sight loss charity is asking people to consider hosting a fundraising Coronation Coffee morning to celebrate the coronation of His Majesty the King.

Vista, the local sight loss charity is seeking support from individuals, community groups and companies from across the city, county and Rutland throughout May in time for the big day on May 6.

Leicester Time: Leicestershire Coffee and Cake Lovers Needed to Host a Coronation Coffee Morning in May
Picture: Unsplash

The charity relies on voluntary support and donations to support its work in the local community. It provides specialist rehabilitation for children, young people and adults, enabling them to regain their independence and live fulfilling lives following their diagnosis.

“All monies raised at a Coronation Coffee Morning will help to fund these vitally important services. So please invite your friends, family, work colleagues or community group to get involved and host a Coronation Coffee morning – community support will make a big difference to people living with sight loss in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland,” said a spokesman for the cause.

In addition to rehabilitation, local community support can also help to provide the following services; 

  • £25 could pay for a blind or partially sighted child to go on a day trip or experience an activity that, without specialist support, wouldn’t otherwise be possible.
  • £50 could recruit and train a volunteer to provide one-to-one support for an older person with sight loss both at home and in their local community. 
  • £100 could give visually impaired adults the chance to take part in a group social activity in their local area, helping them to feel less isolated and more involved in their community.

To get involved and obtain information and fundraising support, contact Libby, at Vista on 0116 249 8801 or at

Visit: to find out more.