A planning application to redevelop a sheltered housing complex in Thurmaston into nine new bungalows has been submitted.
Charnwood Borough Council has submitted the plan and says the project will create nine new high-quality bungalows to replace St Michael’s Court, in Melton Road.

If the application is approved, work could start in early 2024, with the aim of the bungalows being available in the winter of 2024/25.
The proposed bungalows have been designed for people with mobility issues.
St Michael’s Court was built around 1970 and no longer meets the needs of older tenants, according to the council. The complex comprises mainly of bedsits with shared bathrooms which are difficult to let.
The ageing sheltered accommodation also has long corridors which are difficult for people with mobility issues.
Data from the housing register has shown that people need ground floor accommodation, and the proposed bungalow scheme will meet that need.
Residents and businesses in the local area were invited to a community drop-in event about the project in June. People were able to find out more about the project, view proposed designs, ask questions and offer feedback.
Thurmaston’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) expressed concerns about access to the development during the event. Although the PCC welcomed the development for providing ‘much-needed social housing’, its members were concerned about the ‘clearly inadequate parking on Melton Road’, which could be reduced by the new access to the scheme via that road.
The PPC’s letter read: “We are concerned that the proposed new vehicular access to the development will be detrimental, reducing quite significantly the number of on-street parking spaces available in an area where demand routinely exceeds supply.”
However, documents submitted on behalf of the council by agent Pelham Architects, read: “Our submission includes detailed transport surveys and plans for the scheme. We believe the scheme meets the council’s criteria for a positive determination.
“Melton Road already contains parking constraints for the busier 8am – 6pm Monday to Saturday time periods. The PCC suggested an alternative layout turning the scheme’s back to Melton Road. We do not think this is a suitable solution.”
Further information about the proposals and event can be viewed at: https://www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/stmichaelscourt