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Swan rescued from top of seven-storey car park in Leicester

A swan has been returned to its natural habitat after being rescued from the top of Leicester’s Lee Circle car park.

The stranded bird was spotted on the top floor of the car park after crash landing there on March 26.

A concerned member of the public called the RSPCA and inspector Herchran Boal attended to give the ‘feisty chap’ a hand.

“The swan had crash landed on the top floor of the car park and he’d scuffed his feet on the surface when he landed – causing him some minor bleeding.

Leicester Time: Swan rescued from top of seven-storey car park in Leicester
Picture: RSPCA

“He was quite a feisty chap,  and wasn’t keen on being caught – but once I managed to catch him I took him to the RSPCA Woodside Animal Centre for a vet to check him over,” she said.

“Thankfully he was given the all clear and I was then able to release him to a safer environment at a park. 

“Strangely this was the second swan in two days that me and my colleagues have rescued in the city centre.

“I would like to thank the people who called us to help and to the staff at the car park who were extremely helpful” added Ms Boal.

While swans are strong flyers, swans can get themselves stuck if they mistake a roof for a river and crash land.

The bird was checked over by a vet and released in Braunstone Park.

Leicester Time: Swan rescued from top of seven-storey car park in Leicester
Leicester Time: Swan rescued from top of seven-storey car park in Leicester