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“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” -Winston Churchill

Ian Mattioli is a successful and well known figure on the Leicester business scene. Many will have heard of his prominent wealth management business, ‘Mattioli Woods,’ which he founded in 1991, alongside Bob Woods.

The building, which stands on New Walk is modern and thoroughly impressive, much like the man himself and his enviable achievements. However, when you meet Mr Mattioli in the flesh, what strikes you most is how down to earth he is, despite his incredible success.

Leicester Time: “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." -Winston Churchill
Picture: Ian and Clare Mattioli Charitable Trust

When asked to describe himself, he says that he’s a straight forward man – one from a humble background, who ‘asks a lot’ and values the truth. 

“All the family worked in factories until this generation, and that’s a lot to do with education,” he told Pukaar. 

“I didn’t go to university, I went into work, but ever since I’ve been working, I’ve carried on with education.

“I was born in Thurnby Lodge – a big council estate, but we later moved to Anstey Lane in Beaumont Leys,” he went on to reveal.

“We were brought up well. These days you’d probably call it ‘middle class’, but it was very much working class. I still deem myself to be working class because I work for a living…”

Ian Mattioli also describes himself as someone who likes to give back to the community, and this is something he has been doing since 2016, through ‘The Ian and Clare Mattioli Charitable Trust’.

Ian founded the charity alongside his wife, Clare, and two daughters Laura and Alex primarily to help enhance the lives of opportunities of all people, and in particular those from communities and socio-economic groups who struggle to access opportunities for advancement.

Speaking of the charity, Mr Mattioli said: “We help individuals where we can, those whose deck of cards is not as favourable as some.

“Clare ,our two girls and I have been very, very lucky. I can live on what I’ve created for a long time, and I don’t say that glibly. Therefore, because we now have enough, we can give back, and in giving back we can help things that we wouldn’t have dreamed of.”

Since its inception, the charity has helped a wealth of projects, both local and further afield.

It has helped build homes in Malawi, supported schools in Uganda and helped fund an expansion project at Leicester’s Morningside Arena as well as numerous individuals 

Money has also been donated to Leicester Cathedral, to help new building work currently taking place at the site.

“Having our own charity is actually quite nice, because we can do the things we want to do,” said Mr Mattioli.

“It was a big step for Clare who initially worried that we were taking money away from our girls and the grandchildren but that initial reluctance has now given way to benefit of seeing what a difference we can make 

“Hopefully, over the next 10-15 years, we will use the accumulated monies within that charity very very wisely – to help out local causes, national causes and individuals who are based in and around Leicester, around the UK and overseas wherever we can.”

To find out more about the charity, visit: