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Basketball Programme Setting Young People in South Wigston up for a Positive Future

A basketball programme in South Wigston for young people at risk of being involved in anti-social behaviour has been extended due to its success.

Owing to its popularity with participants and effectiveness as a tool for engaging with local youth, the twice-weekly Positive Futures programme delivered by Leicester Riders basketball coaches at Blaby Road Park will now be running until 25 October.

Leicester Time: Basketball Programme Setting Young People in South Wigston up for a Positive Future

Picture: OWBC

The sessions can see upwards of 20 attendees from a diverse range of backgrounds, and provide an opportunity to develop not only basketball skills, but also promote teamwork, build confidence and create trust between the young people, the police and the local council, who have worked in partnership with Leicester Riders Foundation (LRF), to help deliver the scheme.

It is geared at providing diversionary activity for those aged 8-17 at risk of becoming involved in crime or violence.

Some participants were signposted to the programme by either Oadby and Wigston Borough Council (OWBC) or local police, although sessions are open to all who would like to attend.

“Introducing young people to this fun, exhilarating activity where they are surrounded by role models is a proven way of reducing anti-social behaviour, and it’s been great to see the programme be met with such enthusiasm,” said Councillor Kevin Loydall, Chair of the Oadby & Wigston Community Safety Partnership.

“Within the borough, South Wigston has been identified as at particular risk of anti-social behaviour but we hope that by working in partnership to build relationships and trust we can tackle this, and initiatives such as Positive Futures will benefit not just the participants but residents as a whole.”

Laura Shephard, General Manager at LRF said: “The programme has enabled us to build strong relationships with young people from the Oadby & Wigston area throughout the summer holidays, seeing a group of regular attendees.

“Here at LRF we are excited to take the next steps in our delivery and build on these initial foundations and take the programme to the next level over the next eight weeks, where the young people will take part in a variety of workshops around hygiene, mental health and respect.

To get involved with the programme or to refer a young person contact