A Leicester-based volunteer has won a coveted award for helping older people with Parkinson’s.
Bev Brush, 54, who has dedicated her life to caring, makes regular calls to two ladies on behalf of charity Re-engage, which supports those aged 75 plus who may be lonely or isolated.

Picture credit: Bev Brush
And this week Bev, who lives in Glen Parva, was given a Marsh Charitable Trust award of £250 which goes to “people at the heart of the charity sector who go above and beyond to make a difference.”
Bev started as a 16-year-old on a government-funded Youth Training Scheme, spent 28 years as a care assistant and is now a Re-engage Parkinson’s Call Companion.
She calls Rosemary and Carole every Sunday afternoon and has been known to sing happy birthday to them.
“I like to make sure they are OK and now I’ve been calling for a while I can tell they feel comfortable with me. Carole will talk about absolutely everything. Rosemary was a little reticent at first but things are going well because at the end of our last call she said: ‘Love you.’
Bev and husband Basil have been married for 28 years, have two children and a much-adored Collie cross Greyhound, Bella.
As well as being a dedicated Call Companion Bev also helps run breakfast and after school clubs at her local primary school.
“I’m really quite flabbergasted that I’ve got this award,” she said. “I just don’t know what to say.”
Carole said: “Bev is amazing and calls me every week no matter what. I’ve had quite a few difficult years and she has really lifted me up. She’s lovely.
“She sang Happy Birthday to me when I had some guests round and the phone was on speaker. She’s better than Taylor Swift!”
Jenny Willott, CEO of Re-engage, said: “We have an absolutely fantastic army of volunteers providing Call Companion services and free monthly tea parties throughout the UK. To be singled-out as Bev has been shows she really is extraordinary.