A warning has been issued following a spate of arson attacks in a Leicestershire wood, which are a threat to public safety.
The fires are a frequent occurrence in parts of Whitwick’s Lower Cademan Wood, and are said be the work of a pair of “arsonist vandals”, in the area.

In a warning posted online, volunteers who are responsible for managing local beauty spot, say that apart from being a public safety hazard, the fires are destroying the wooded area which is popular with dog walkers.
“We have had a few very close calls to the whole thing being burned to the ground this year and we will have to close it off to the public if the risks to public safety keep rising,” said a spokesman for the group.
“This frequent arson is wrecking your local wood and we really need to catch these people in the act,” they added.
“The police and fire department are already very much involved, but we can’t be there all the time to patrol and stop it from happening.
“Please help us save these woods.”

The incidents have raised concern in the community, with many condemning the “appalling” behaviour of those responsible for the fires.
“It’s an utter disgrace. Hopefully they’ll set themselves alight next time and learn their lesson the hard way,” said one resident online.
“This is heartbreaking, will keep a look out,” added another.
Anybody who sees the fires being constructed, are urged to call the police immediately on 101.